Tomorrow begins the first three months of actual Peace Corps Volunteer service. I swore-in yesterday at the Ambassador's house and we even got to be on local tv! Great food and crashing waves on the shore just yards away from where we took the oath to serve our country.
I am looking forward to being in my village now. I think it will be a rewarding pursuit and I can't wait to get to know my new host family and fellow community members. Also, I am itching to get to work building some compost, working some bees, and starting a garden plot.
I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas/Hanukah and a very good New Year. I will be celebrating Tobaski in two weeks with my village.
I bought a mobile phone so if anyone is interested in calling to Africa... Dial 220.746.1122. We can compare December weather.
Hope that all is well.
Haa yesso. Jarama.